
Vm ware horizon view
Vm ware horizon view

If you have good knowledge, you'll find working with it very easy. Then, start step-by-step working on it, on the application itself. However, you must first understand the architecture, understand how things are calling one another, and how the networks play. If you face any error, you'll be able to know the cause and easily go to the root cause. However, you need to dig deep into the architecture of it just to understand it and grasp it well, especially how things are calling one another, how things are operating inside the APIs and all the networking inside, and how things are working in the architecture to be able to work with Citrix and actually understand everything that's going on it. It's a very well-known solution, and it's very efficient.

vm ware horizon view

I'm dealing with the latest version of the product. We are working with Citrix VDI, and we are mainly working on the PTS for provisioning.

Vm ware horizon view